Who Else Wants To
Last 42 Minutes In Bed?

Who Else Wants To
Last 42 Minutes In Bed?

Who Else Wants To
Last 42 Minutes In Bed?

Now I finally
Last long enough to
Make her orgasm

Here's my secret...

Now I finally
Last long enough to
Make her orgasm

Here's my secret...

My All-Natural Secret to
Limitless Bedroom Stamina
while still feeling
ALL the pleasure!

My All-Natural Secret to
Limitless Bedroom Stamina
while still feeling
ALL the pleasure!

1 STEP FIX for

1 STEP FIX for

Give her the best sex of her life and
Last over 30 minutes in bed


Give her the
Best sex of her life and
Last over 30 minutes in bed

Do You Know The
5 Deadly Mistakes
Even Experienced
Sugar Daddies Make?

Do You Know The
5 Deadly Mistakes
Even Experienced
Sugar Daddies Make?

  On This Page…

... I was in the office breakroom joking with Derrick,
my hot-shot coworker, when Jenny walked in.

MSK Stamina Fuel
+ Bonuses




And not to worry, your statement is discreet, and will simply read: “Go Beyond Inc.”

There’s no revealing packaging or labels.

If someone asks you what the capsules are, just say they are vitamins for digestive health, or to help with mental energy.

That’s what I did, and my girl is none the wiser. But she’s loving the new me that’s for sure!

When you order yours now, you’ll look back on this as the moment everything changed

The day you got your sexual power back.

The day you regained the respect of women…

A new, fun, sexy, exciting chapter in your life

No more fear of disappointing her, no more humiliation or excuses, no more pathetically short attempts at sex

Click the button to get started now, your order will be complete within seconds





  1. How long does it take to see results?

Instantly. It will work the first time you take it. It does NOT require a daily discipline or regimen to work.


  1. How long does it take to take effect, and how long does it last?

It works pretty fast. I usually take it 30-60 minutes before I start fooling around with my lady. Once you take MSK, you’ll be able to enjoy the effects for a few hours. If you plan on having sex all day or night, just take another round after 2 hours.


  1. How will I know it’s working?

You won’t feel any different, except at higher doses (as I said it can have a mild focusing or relaxing affect).

But once you begin having sex, you’ll notice that even though you are hard and turned on, you won’t have that “oh no” point-of-no-return premature ejaculation urge.

You’ll have control, and be able to relax and enjoy long passionate sex.


  1. Are there any side effects?

At higher doses, MSK has been seen to create an energized, focused state in some test subjects. At even higher doses, it can cause relaxation and sometimes drowsiness.

Until you take it a few times to find out if you experience these MILD side effects, I advise you not to drive or operate any heavy machinery, just in the off chance it makes you feel ‘off’. In my experience, even at very high doses, MSK is no stronger than any mild over-the-counter allergy or cold medication.

The capsules you’ll receive are much lower doses, and you can up the dose as much as you like. Try it 2-3 times to get a sense for how you respond.

The most important thing is that at the lower, recommended dose, you won’t feel anything negative, and will have incredible sexual stamina and control over your ejaculation.


  1. Can I get it at the local vitamin shop or health food store?

Unfortunately, no. I’ve looked, and I’ve never seen MSK in pharmacies, health food stores, or vitamin shops. You can’t even get it on Amazon. This is because the main ingredient in MSK hasn’t yet been formally evaluated by the FDA. Because of this, major corporate distributors are unwilling to carry this 100% natural, 100% safe herbal supplement.


  1. I have a heart condition and high blood pressure. Is this safe?

Yes this is safe, but keep in mind, I’m not a doctor. If you have medical concerns, you should ask your doctor. You are responsible for asking your doctor for anything you do. However, there is no indication that MSK has any effect on your heart or blood pressure. If anything, it may have a mild relaxing effect on your body.


  1. Is my credit card safe?

Absolutely. I’d rather have return customers, than screw people over. There’s no motivation on my end to do anything shady. However, you don’t have to trust me.

Your transaction is protected by 256 bit encryption (the same standard as any FDIC insured bank or major online retailer). I do not ever see your credit card number. The transaction is processed securely through a “PCI-Level-1” compliant processor trusted by major brands. This is the highest level of security compliance possible.


  1. What will show up on my bill?

You don’t have to worry about anything funny showing up on your bill. All it will show is: “Go Beyond Inc.”

(or you can choose Paypal if you’d like)


  1. When will my order arrive?

Normally orders take about 4-5 days to arrive, depending on where you need yours sent.

Occasionally if there is super high demand, total delivery time can take up to 10 days, due to backup.

But like I said, normally it only takes a week or a little less, depending on where you need the package sent.


  1. Can I trust your guarantee?

Since you don’t know me, I’m not going to ask you to trust me. You trust that the transaction is secure.

If you want your money back, simply send an email to the one included in your order receipt. You can deal with me and my trusted small team directly.

I get so many orders, I have no problem refunding one guy his money. As I said, I have no interest playing games with your money. It’s just not good business, and I could get in a lot of trouble if I did.


  1. If it doesn’t work, how do I get my money back?

Try it a couple times, and if you are CERTAIN it is not working for you (which would be extremely rare), simply send back the unfinished portion and shoot me an email (provided in your receipt).

We’ll process the refund immediately (also take into consideration the normal 3-5 business days, depending on your bank.)

We don’t allow refunds for completely empty packages, because I want to make sure you actually gave it a try, an honest try. Allowing refunds for completely empty bottles returned to us would be inviting some OTHER dishonest people to abuse this generous guarantee. It’s only fair – you’re giving me a chance, so I want to give you a chance to enjoy the benefits of MSK.


  1. Will it reduce my sensitivity or delay erections?

Nope. That’s what’s great about it. It only affects your stamina, not your sensation or arousal.

In fact, since you’ll be more relaxed and confident, you can enjoy the feeling of being throbbing hard, and every sensation of your woman’s warm, wet, tightness.

You may even find that you get hard faster, since you won’t be nervous about coming too fast.


  1. Does the container say what it’s for? I don’t want to get caught with this.

I deliberately label the containers non-descript so that they look completely innocent, like a simple vitamin supplement. No one will know what it’s for unless you tell them.


  1. Will I still be able to orgasm?

Of course. What would be the point otherwise?

In fact, your orgasms will be much much more powerful and pleasurable because you will be able to build it up the longer you have sex.

Imagine how intense the explosion will be once you shoot your load after 30, 45 minutes, even an hour of sex!


  1. What if my prejac is anxiety related?

This will reduce your anxiety since you will be so confident that you can last a long time.

The great part is this still works despite anxiety, it’s simply science and biology.

If your anxiety is bad enough that you still come too fast, or have trouble getting it up, just relax, cuddle, do some foreplay (using the awesome techniques you’ll learn in the Power Tools Guide), and try again. No big deal.

Trust me, once you give her that long passionate drilling, she’ll be addicted to you. This will boost your confidence and you’ll never worry about your performance again.

The respect and admiration in her eyes, and the ecstasy in her moans, will make you like a Sex God.


  1. Will it be strange to all of a sudden last a super long time?

If your woman is used to you coming too fast, she will definitely notice the difference. But she won’t suspect you took any supplements if you don’t tell her.

Instead of treating your new stamina as the “exception,” act like your prejac was the exception. Say, “This is how I normally am. I think I was just stressed and my tension was making me come too fast.”

Or just say you’ve been trying to be more relaxed in your life, and it’s paying off.

Trust me she won’t be bothered – she’ll feel too good to care!


  1. When will “the ban” happen?

I honestly don’t know. It may happen soon, it may not. When I read that the DEA wanted to ban the main alkaloid in MSK, I was pretty upset. Luckily they gave up after a group of advocates protested.

I wish I could tell you, but I can’t… which is all the more reason to stock up now!


  1. Is this legal? What’s all this about the DEA?

Yes, this is 100% legal. I wouldn’t be able to sell it if it were illegal.

The DEA basically monitors all the substances people can take – from illegal drugs like cocaine, to legal stuff like aspirin.

What really bugs me is that amphetamines are legal, and prescribed for ADHD. In other words, METH in pill form. Opiates are prescribed for pain. Heroin in a pill, which are highly destructive and addictive chemicals.

But an herb that is natural, harmless, and has several positive uses is now “on notice.”

Just shows the corruption of our government and Big Pharma.


  1. Is this cheating?

Depends on your perspective. Is it cheating to take a multi-vitamin to support your health?

Is it cheating to take creatine to help you recover after lifting weights? It’s no different. MSK supports your sexual health.

MSK is for the kind of man who wants the edge in the bedroom, and genuinely enjoys giving women pleasure. I don’t see any ethical problems there.

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*** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The MSK Stamina Fuel and Sexual Power Tools system are more effective when used as a supplement to your active lifestyle.

FTC Legal Disclaimer: Results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results.

The content on this website is provided for information purposes only, and such content is not intended to be used as, does not constitute, and should not be interpreted as professional advice. You are responsible for consulting with a qualified professional. Individual results may vary.
